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Musician, Composer, TV presenter & Mindfulness Coach

I compose music to inspire people to discover their inner voices. I encourage people to grow their talent to the extend of growing themselves. And I made it happen! My passion for music and years of exploration on mindfulness made me believe that music combined with mindfulness could be the best approach to find a path to self growth. 

Music & Mindfulness
Clifftop Yoga


When you are surrounded by difficult emotions, you just need to ‘be’ for a while, and your perspective will shift.

A combination of Mindful Music Appreciation and Mindful Meditation will help you soothe your soul and find a path to self discovery.

Start a new journey of self growth, build a better you.

Piano Keys


Music is a language of energy. Listening to music is never just on your heads, in your thoughts. Music helps you step outside your small sense of self, into a larger, more expansive awareness, just as meditation. Music is the most powerful form of communication.

Yoga Class


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, simply noticing whatever is there, thoughts and all. Mindfulness is a key element in stress reduction and overall happiness. Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.

White Branch

Make a Booking

Music & Mindfulness Program

Theme of the program
To use mindfulness as a tool and music as medium to build awareness of thoughts without judgement, so as to find a path to self growth and achieve true happiness
Each session one hour, in a small group
1. Assessing yourself
2. Discovering yourself via music travel
  • Mindful music appreciation
  • Mindful meditation 
3. Interaction on self transformation
Book your first online session
Payment is processed through Evenbrite - the world-brand secured event booking system
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